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Sunday, October 11, 2020
Inspection by surveillance team of BGMEA Hospitel ctg
পরিদর্শন কালে উপস্থিত ছিলেন
১) সভাপতি: জনাব মো: মিজানুর রহমান, অতিরিক্ত বিভাগীয় কমিশনার ।
২) সদস্য সচিব: জনাব ডা: সেক ফজলে রাব্বী, সিভিল সার্জন,চট্টগ্রাম ।
৩) সদস্য: জনাব বদিউল আলম পাভেল, অতিরিক্ত জেলা মেজিস্ট্রট ( এডিএম) ।
BGMEA opens hospital in CEPZ for COVID-19
A 50-bed hospital was inaugurated in Export Processing Zone area of Saltgola in Chattogram on Thursday for the COVID-19 patients.
The hospital will be operated under the supervision of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association. The inauguration ceremony was held at BGMEA Chattogram office.Commerce minister Tipu Munshi virtually inaugurated the specialised hospital for people infected with coronavirus. The hospital started providing service to patients from Thursday afternoon. While addressing the inaugural session, the commerce minister said that the initiative would help to control transmission and accelerate treatment to RMG workers as well as disadvantaged people in the area at free of cost. Lauding the initiative of BGMEA, information minister Hasan Mahmud Chowdhury said that RMG sector was the lifeline of the country. Regarding the corruption of member of parliament Mohammad Shahid Islam Paplu in Kuwait, he said that it would not affect our labour market export. BGMEA president Rubana Huq said that they had taken the initiative as part of their social responsibilities to provide medical assistance to the RMG workers and poor people in the area infected by the coronavirus. Mohammad Abdul Salam, first vice-president of the apex body of apparel industries, said that the 50-bed BGMEA hospital would be dedicated to people infected with COVID-19, responding to the alarming rise of infection.
He said that BGMEA was also planning to set up a PCR lab at the hospital.
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Additional Guideline to BGMEA Members Amid COVID-19 Situation
Additional Guideline to BGMEA Members Amid COVID-19 Situation
As the whole country is fighting Coronavirus situation, some added guidelines and counselling is required to be initiated by factory management.
BGMEA has been operating
BGMEA has been operating 12 health centers at different parts of Dhaka and Chittagong with a view to providing basic healthcare facilities to garment workers and their families. The trade organization runs a hospital for apparel workers in Chittagong.